Age at Marriage and Women's Labour Market Outcomes in India

Submitted by Tanay Ray Bhatt on
EfD Authors:

We examine the relationship between women's age at marriage and their labour market outcomes using nationally representative household data from India. Employing an instrumental variable‐based empirical strategy, we find that a delay in women's age at marriage has no significant causal effect on their labour market outcomes. This is despite marriage delay being associated with higher education, lower fertility and (possibly) higher dowry for Indian women. We argue that this might be because older brides, as compared with younger brides, face more backlash from their partners.


Droughts and domestic violence: Measuring the gender-climate nexus.

Submitted by Manuela Fonseca on
EfD Authors:

Every year, 245 million women are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Climate change is hypothesized to exacerbate this figure through its disruptive impact on household livelihoods, among other channels. However, little causal evidence exists on this aspect of the climate-gender nexus, partly due to measurement challenges that have contributed to gaps in the literature. In this paper, we use three different IPV data sources to examine the effect of drought in Mexico and the role of agricultural vulnerability in intensifying these effects.

Climate Change, Gender

Structural Equation Approach to Modeling Social Norms in Women’s Education: A Case Study of India

Submitted by Ishita Datta on
EfD Authors:

Studies on women's education often use indicators of social practices as proxies for social norms but fail to account for three critical features of norms: they are latent, multifaceted, and shaped by external factors. To address these gaps, the study employ the MIMIC (Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes) model within a structural equation framework. This method enables the inclusion of various social practices, each serving as an imperfect representation of an underlying norm, while also identifying exogenous factors that can drive changes in these norms.


Poverty and gender perspectives in marine spatial planning: Lessons from Kwale County in coastal Kenya

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on

Abstract: Kenya, like many other countries, is increasingly relying on a Blue Economy approach to ensure its sustainable development, an approach founded on the premise of poverty eradication by providing sustainable livelihoods and decent work, supplying food and minerals, generating oxygen, absorbing greenhouse gases, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and serving as highways for sea-based international trade.

Fisheries, Gender

Just Resilience in Kenya: Frameworks and Perspectives for Equitable Climate Adaptation

Submitted by Jane Nyawira Maina on

Abstract: The lived realities of many rural communities, and even the urban poor in Kenya, are characterised by poverty, inequality, high dependence on natural resources, rainfed agriculture, and sociocultural norms that influence their action or inaction. Recurrent droughts, floods, and changing rainfall patterns, largely caused by climate change and climate variability, further reinforce these communities' challenges.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Gender, Policy Design

Gendered demand for environmental health technologies: Evidence of complementarities from stove auctions in India

Submitted by Belén Pulgar on

We study if prior exposure to one environmental health technology – improved sanitation – complements or substitutes for additional household investments in another such technology — an electric induction cookstove. We conducted a cookstove demand revealing auction ten years after a random half of our sample had been exposed to an intensive sanitation promotion campaign in rural India.

Gender, Health