
To carry out in-depth economic research and analysis on the interlocking issues of climate change, energy security, environmental protection, gender and food security confronting India. The broad agenda behind the research is to contribute to policy-making through improved information and hard evidence.

Areas of contribution

Given the crisis levels of air pollution in India, EfD-India’s priority research focuses on household and outdoor air pollution together with potential mitigation measures. Waste management, nutritional deficiency and gender are additional focus areas at the central and state levels, which aligns with EfD’s overall goal of fighting poverty and increasing equality.


Since 2017, EfD-India has been hosted at the Centre for research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment (CECFEE), a centre of excellence located in Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Delhi.

In 2021, EfD India became the host center for the multi-country EfD Collaborative Program - Climate Policy for Development (CPfD). 

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