Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 publications

AbstractEmployment income data are coarsened as a result of questionnaire design. In the previous chapter we saw that Statistics South Africa (SSA) ask two employment income questions: an exact income…

| Book Chapter | South Africa

Key Points Recycling can be promoted in low-income communities through a business model framework Business models for recycling efforts in low-income communities need financial and administrative…

| Research Brief | South Africa

This research analyses the impact of retailer interventions focusing on the promotion of reusable bags to reduce plastic bag consumption. For this purpose, retail outlet data for March 2018–February…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

The polluting of marine ecosystems with plastics is both a global and a local problem with potentially severe consequences for wildlife, economic activity, and human health. It is a problem that…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, India, Chile, Vietnam, Sweden, Tanzania, Central America

The Environment Operational Directions 2013–2020 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) identified strengthening environmental governance in developing member countries (DMCs) as a priority area. Studies…

| Report | South Africa