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Displaying 1 - 10 of 187 publications

We study if prior exposure to one environmental health technology – improved sanitation – complements or substitutes for additional household investments in another such technology — an electric…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Policymakers frequently voice concerns that carbon pricing could impair economic development in the short run, especially in low-income countries such as Uganda. Using a consumer demand system for…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Heat reduces labor productivity and output in formal manufacturing but little is known about its impacts on the earnings and welfare of workers in the informal sector that comprise 82\% of the labor…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Studies on women's education often use indicators of social practices as proxies for social norms but fail to account for three critical features of norms: they are latent, multifaceted, and shaped by…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Key Points This policy brief emphasizes the urgent need to address the gender gap in skilling through targeted interventions. By improving access, quality, and awareness of skilling programs, we can…

| Policy Brief | India

This paper examine how religious mandates of the holy month of Ramadan affect the gendered distribution of time use within Muslim households in India. Using rich data on time use from a nationally…

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract We investigate the impact of groundwater contamination on educational outcomes in India. Our study leverages variations in the geographical coverage and timing of construction of safe…

| Peer Reviewed | India

The study examines how groundwater contamination affects educational outcomes in India, focusing on survey data from public schools in Assam, a region with significant contamination. The findings...

| Peer Reviewed | India

Abstract The provision of public goods often requires coordination among different actors. This is the case with waste management. If waste collectors collect waste separately, households would find…

| EfD Discussion Paper | India

The decline in Gyps vulture populations in South Asia, caused by the use of diclofenac in livestock, has disrupted scavenging services, leading to increased public health risks and higher costs for...

| Peer Reviewed | India