Displaying 31 - 40 of 52 publications

Inshore line fish stocks are severely depleted in South Africa. Although management efforts have addressed pressures from the commercial and subsistence sectors, management of the recreational sector…

21 December 2015 | EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

The amenity value of the Kogelberg Coast of South Africa was estimated on the basis of a survey of users, property data and park visitor statistics, as well as spatial data on coastal features…

21 December 2015 | EfD Discussion Paper |

Recreational angling in South Africa is not well monitored, even though recreational fishing contributes to over-exploitation of line fish stocks. This is because authorities don’t have the resources…

15 December 2015 | Research Brief | South Africa

The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve is a 100 km long coastal stretch of towering mountains and craggy beaches about an hour’s drive east of Cape Town. The dramatic landscape, rare botanical diversity and…

15 December 2015 | Research Brief | South Africa

In many lower-income countries, the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) involves significant opportunity costs for artisanal fishers, reflected in changes in how they allocate their labor…

27 July 2015 | EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Tanzania

Both Tanzania’s and Costa Rica’s beaches provide important nesting sites for endangered sea turtles. Poaching of eggs by local people for food or for sale presents a major threat to these species, as…

23 July 2015 | Research Brief | Central America, Tanzania

The EfD Report 2014/15 gives you an excellent overview of the EfD centres´ achievements during 2014 and ongoing work during 2015. Ranging from interesting policy stories on how economic research is…

30 June 2015 | Report | South Africa, China, Chile, Sweden, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Central America, Global Hub

This study investigated the support for, and potential impacts of, alternative management measures to address declining fish stocks in the Breede River estuary. A survey of residents and visitors was…

28 September 2014 | Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper examines the impact of climate change on poor households across South Africa who practice subsistence farming to supplement their household income and dietary requirements. We consider…

21 July 2014 | Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper provides an overview of social science research in the marine environment of South Africa for the period 1994–2012. A bibliography based on a review of relevant literature and social…

25 October 2013 | Peer Reviewed | South Africa