A framework for selecting and designing policies to reduce marine plastic pollution in developing countries

Peer Reviewed
1 July 2020

Environmental Science & Policy

F. Alpizar, F. Carlsson, G. Lanza, B. Carney, R.C. Daniels, M. Jaime, T. Ho, Z. Nie, C. Salazar, B. Tibesigwa, S. Wahdera

The polluting of marine ecosystems with plastics is both a global and a local problem with potentially severe consequences for wildlife, economic activity, and human health. It is a problem that originates in countries’ inability to adequately manage the growing flow of waste. We use an impact pathway framework to trace the flow of plastics through the socio-ecological system and identify the role of specific policy instruments in achieving behavioral changes to reduce marine plastic waste. We produce a toolbox for finding a policy that is suitable for different countries. We use the impact pathway and toolbox to make country-specific recommendations that reflect the reality in each of the selected countries.

Publication reference
Alpizar, F., Carlsson, F., Lanza, G., Carney, B., Daniels, R. C., Jaime, M., … Wahdera, S. (2020). A framework for selecting and designing policies to reduce marine plastic pollution in developing countries. Environmental Science & Policy, 109, 25–35. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2020.04.007
Publication | 2 May 2020