Displaying 211 - 220 of 275 publications

Global change has systematically increased uncertainty for people balancing short-term needs with long-term resource sustainability. Here, we aim to understand how uncertainty drives changes in human…

11 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Produciendo por Mi Futuro (PxMF) is a poverty-reduction intervention, implemented in Colombia by Prosperidad Social, which is based on the graduation programs initially developed by the BRAC…

11 June 2018 | Other Publications | Colombia

This document presents the results of the qualitative analysis on the understanding of well-being and the changes in life satisfaction, aspirations and expectations in the participants of the…

11 June 2018 | Other Publications | Colombia

The analysis of vulnerability of socio-ecological systems to threats of different types such as extreme climate events or change in land use draws attention to the factors and processes that determine…

11 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Identifying a demand function for air quality is a key input to calculate welfare measurements of pollution abatement policies. We defined intra-urban housing submarkets to apply a Second Stage…

11 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Colombia has the greatest bird diversity of any country in the world, with approximately 1900 recorded species, equivalent to 20% of all bird species worldwide. Advances made by the Colombian…

11 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

In this paper, we explore the synergies and tradeoffs between abatement of global and local pollution. We build a unique dataset of Swedish combined heat and power plants with detailed boiler-level…

6 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia, Sweden

During recent decades, water demand estimation has gained considerable attention from scholars. From an econometric perspective, the most used functional forms include log-log and linear…

25 June 2018 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia, Chile

Este documento presenta los resultados del análisis cualitativo sobre la concepción de bienestar y los cambios en satisfacción de vida, aspiraciones y expectativas en los participantes del programa…

11 June 2018 | Other Publications | Colombia

La adopción de una nueva política minera en 2001 junto con el drástico incremento de los precios internacionales de oro desde ese mismo año ha motivado la expansión de la minería aurífera (formal e…

11 June 2018 | Other Publications | Colombia