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Displaying 1 - 10 of 126 publications

Uganda’s climate is changing in terms of rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns, leading to extreme meteorological conditions such as prolonged drought, floods and landslides, yet the...

| Other Publications | Uganda, Kenya

Nearly 2.4 billion people lack access to clean cooking fuels and technologies worldwide, representing a critical failure to achieve SDG7’s cooking energy access goal. Dependence on polluting cooking...

| Other Publications | Tanzania, Kenya

The objective of this document is to review, identify, and analyze opportunities for fiscal instruments in the waste management sector in Costa Rica, according to the priorities of the updated...

| Other Publications | Central America

South Africa has the dubious distinction of having one of the highest rates of unemployment and inequality in the world. It is also one of the world’s most emissions-intensive economies, measured in…

| Other Publications | South Africa

A long history of empirical research has focused on testing whether and when household consumption and production decisions are separable. The underlying premise is that if markets were perfect…

| Other Publications | India

Abstract Designing victims' reparation policies and solving agrarian disputes are fundamental aspects to build peace after a civil conflict. In 2014, a ceasefire with the oldest Latin-American…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Abstract We use a randomized experiment involving 7,029 late-paying clients of a large Colombian bank to compare the effects on loan delinquency of text messages that encourage repayment through…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Africa plays a very limited role in the global automotive industry and many of its small national markets are mainly supplied by imports of used cars. However, with a rapidly expanding middle class…

| Other Publications |