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Displaying 351 - 358 of 358 publications

This study develops an integrated framework to evaluate the relative effectiveness of alternative land use policies that target the management of natural resources in the face of climate change…

13 June 2019 | EfD Discussion Paper |

International environmental agreements (IEAs) are considered an important way to increase the efficiency of emission abatement and climate change mitigation. This paper uses a game-theoretic model to…

23 November 2017 | EfD Discussion Paper | China

The cost of providing electricity to the unconnected 1.1 billion people in developing countries is significant. High hopes are pinned on market-based dissemination of off-grid technologies to…

16 November 2017 | EfD Discussion Paper |

There is solid scienti c evidence predicting that a large part of the developing world will su er a greater incidence of extreme weather events, which may increase the incidence of displacement…

19 January 2017 | EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Global Hub

In the past two decades, rapid population and economic growth on the U.S.–Mexico border has spurred a dramatic increase in electricity demand. In response, American energy multinationals have built…

23 May 2011 | EfD Discussion Paper |

Economic policies that boost profits from agroforesty, thereby creating financial incentives for land managers to favor these systems over less environmentally friendly land uses, could, in theory…

5 January 2009 | EfD Discussion Paper | Central America

The author looks at the effects of the choice between taxes and permits on the pattern of adoption of a new emissions abatement technology. The regulator determines the optimal ex-post amount of…

22 October 2008 | EfD Discussion Paper | Central America, Sweden

The authors estimated the deforestation impact of Costa Rica’s pioneering environmental services payments program (Pagos por Servicios Ambientales, or PSA) between 2000 and 2005. Despite finding that…

15 August 2008 | EfD Discussion Paper | Central America