Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 publications

Climate change will have significant long-term impacts on people, ecosystems, and the global economy. To avoid catastrophic impacts, the world must mobilize finance at scale to deliver rapid and…

| Report |

The world remains far from meeting Sustainable Development Goals 5 (gender equality) and 7 (universal access to modern energy). Energy access may empower women even as empowered women are more likely…

| Peer Reviewed |

Gender equity is connected to modern energy services in many ways, but quantitative empirical work on these connections is limited. We examine the relationship between a multi-dimensional measure of…

| Peer Reviewed |

This article examines global trends likely to influence forests and tree-based systems and considers the poverty implications of these interactions. The trends, identified through a series of expert…

| Peer Reviewed |

Three billion people around the world lack access to affordable and reliable clean cooking energy. The case for clean energy has largely been built around health and or environmental benefits…

| Peer Reviewed |

Every year after the rice harvest, some 2.5 million farmers in northwest India burn the remaining stubble to prepare their fields for the subsequent wheat crop. Crop residue burning causes massive air…

| Peer Reviewed |

Although intentional use of fires to transform land has decreased globally (1, 2), particularly among highly capitalized countries through regulatory and market-orientedapproaches and moral suasion…

| Other Publications | India

Two-thirds of Indian households and four out of five rural households use solid fuels for cooking. Household air pollution from these fuels accounted for over a million premature deaths in 2010. Our…

| Peer Reviewed |