Displaying 1 - 10 of 45 publications

Abstract Aquaculture is a rapidly growing food production technology, but significant concerns are related to its environmental impact and adverse social effects. We examine aquaculture outcomes in a…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria, Chile, Sweden, Tanzania, Global Hub

It is well established in the empirical literature that people care about relative status or positionality. Hence, any policy that makes someone better off imposes a negative externality on their…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

In this introduction to the special issue, “Economics of Marine Resources in the Global South,” we address the current challenges for sustainable management of aquaculture and capture fisheries in…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

Highlights Capture fish stocks are important source of animal protein in developing countries. Most fisheries are overcapitalised and biological overexploited. Industrial trawlers overharvest stock…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

The Fishery Performance Indicators is a data collection tool that allows collection of comparable fisheries data in the environmental, economic and community pillars even under data poor circumstances…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

To ensure that benefits from capture fisheries accrue to nationals, fisheries regulations and acts prioritize local access and harvest rights in near and distant waters within a nation’s exclusive…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ghana

The Fisheries Performance Indicators is a data collection tool that allows comparable fisheries data in the environmental, economic and community dimensions to be collected even in data-poor…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Sweden, Uganda, Tanzania

Abstract Plastics have been instrumental in providing access to clean drinking water, medical applications, and improved hygiene and food safety. However, plastics also cause problems. More than 10…

| Peer Reviewed | Sweden

We analyze the impact of a new storage technology and training on post-harvest losses (PHL), sales and the timing of sales, farmgate prices, maize quality and storage protection costs among small…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

We study post-harvest decisions among Tanzanian rice farmers. Risk and time preference experiments are used to understand post-harvest decisions. In particular, we investigate storage and processing…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania, Global Hub