What is the preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders – biodiversity or production goals?

Policy Brief
1 January 2015

This policy brief discusses the whether the  preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders is biodiversity or production goals. Healthy and productive forests benefit us all, but what are the priorities of those directly managing Swedish forests? This brief presents a comparison of the preferences of key stakeholders regarding Swedish forest management and biodiversity protection.

According to the Swedish Forest Act production and environmental goals should be regarded as equally important. This study finds that forest owners, public forestry officials and employees at industrial forestry companies and forest owners’ associations prefer management practices that promote production rather than biodiversity protection.

Publication reference
Nordén, A., Coria J., Jönsson A. M., Lagergren F. and Lehsten, V. (2015). What is the preference of Swedish forestry stakeholders – biodiversity or production goals? Focali Brief No 2015:01, Gothenburg.
Publication | 15 January 2015