The efficiency of quinoa production in high Andean areas: the case of Puno- Peru

Peer Reviewed
8 November 2023

Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales

Yiem Ataucusi, Waldemar Mercado, Roberto Ponce, Carlos Orihuela, Hugo Luna, Hatzel Ortiz, Raymundo Mogollon

The objective of this research is to evaluate the technical and economic efficiency in the production of quinoa in the Department of Puno, Peru, through the use of the stochastic production function model. To achieve this, face-to-face surveys were applied to 461 producers, who were segmented according to their cultural practice (Quechua and Aymara) and their agroecological zone (Circunlacustre, Suni and Puna). The results indicate that the Aymaras are more efficient than the Quechuas. At the level of agroecological zones, the Suni zone has higher technical efficiency of the quinoa producer (0.74) compared to other zones. The average of all of them was 0.68. Furthermore, it was found that in areas where traditional productive practices predominate, technical efficiency better explains the relationship between inputs and producers, since most of them feel motivated to guarantee their food security, while achieving cost efficiency would not be purpose of high Andean family economies, since few producers are motivated to maximize monetary benefits

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Publication reference
Ataucusi, Y., Mercado, W., Ponce, R., Orihuela, C., Luna, H., Ortiz, H., & Mogollon, R. (2023). La Eficiencia de la producción de quinua en zonas altoandinas: el caso de Puno-Perú. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales, 1–21. Internet Archive.
Publication | 7 December 2023