The Cost Benefit Framework for pro –SLM decision making in Sub-Saharan Africa

Start date

This project is an initiative by TerrAfrica at the World Bank to provide analytical contributions to the mobilization of additional financial resources for Sustainable Land Management in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Two countries, Ethiopia and Ghana, have been chosen as pilots in the development of the framework. The goal of the framework is to compile relevant physical and economic information and make it available for policy analysis in a consistent manner. This is expected to increase the reliability and availability of information on land degradation as well as its costs both on agricultural lands and downstream.

The aim is to create a framework in which existing research on the effectiveness of SLM can be used to easily incorporate future research. This would then enable the calculation of returns from different land management practices taking into consideration both physical characteristics and economic factors. This is expected to be a valuable support to up-scaling of promising SLM technologies. The CBF also aims to provide simulations of on- and off-site returns from treatments, this information can be used to both scale the size of investments in SLM and prioritize the use of these investments to areas with highest expected returns to society.

A brief TOR of the CBF project 

The project resulted in an extensive CBF report, which was presented and discussed at the second SLM workshop during May 2-3, 2006.

Project status
Project | 16 February 2008