Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 publications

Executive Summary We have studied people’s perceptions of cooking energy systems in Uganda, through a document review and Focused Group Discussions (FGD), their level of knowledge about the possible…

| Policy Brief | Uganda

This book intends to provide a continuous assessment of the crisis in governance in Africa. As it is, there are huge deficits in the capacity of African states to harness vast human and material...

| Book Chapter | Uganda

The employment landscape in Uganda and across the globe has continued to change at an unprecedented rate. This has mostly manifested in employment shifts within and between sectors. A large share of...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

PREFACE In order to achieve Agenda 2030, we need to get the economic incentives right and make sure to leave no one behind. In other words, we need a transformation towards an inclusive green economy…

| Report | Uganda

A Research Brief Based on EfD Discussion Paper 22-06, Unmasking the Mystery of the Varying Benefits from Electrification (2022), by Nicholas Kilimani and Edward Bbaale (Makerere University, Kampala...

| Research Brief | Uganda

There is some evidence that access to schooling reduces fertility along the intensive margin in developing countries, but the transmission channels are not well understood; most education...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

A Research Brief based on EfD Discussion Paper 22-06, Unmasking the Mystery of the Varying Benefits from Electrification (2022), by Nicholas Kilimani and Edward Bbaale (Makerere University, Kampala...

| Research Brief | Uganda

This policy note provides a snapshot of water and sanitation measures implemented by governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 14 countries in the Global South: Costa Rica, El Salvador…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Chile, Vietnam, Uganda, Kenya, Central America

This paper estimates the association between innovation and employment growth among manufacturing firms in Africa. The paper uses a cross-sectional World Bank Enterprise Survey dataset in which…

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

The purpose of this paper is to estimate both direct and indirect channels through which imported inputs spur exporting in the African manufacturing sector. Design/methodology/approach The authors…

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda