Displaying 1 - 10 of 29 publications

It is well established in the empirical literature that people care about relative status or positionality. Hence, any policy that makes someone better off imposes a negative externality on their…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

The promotion of cocoa farm productivity has necessitated the intensification of input use with ensuing loss of natural pollinators. Ghana Cocoa Board’s (COCOBOD) remedy to declining pollinator…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

The promotion of cocoa farm productivity has necessitated the intensification of input use with ensuing loss of natural pollinators. Ghana Cocoa Board’s (COCOBOD) remedy to declining pollinator…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Abstract Socio-economic studies of fisheries crime in developing countries have focused on the fishers (primarily men) and neglected the fishmongers (typically women), who are passive participants in…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Ghana

Purpose Daily COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality rates are still high globally, and masking is considered a reliable method of preventing its infections. Yet, the rate of voluntary compliance…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

In low-income food-deficit coastal countries, fish forms a critical source of animal protein. Yet, capture fisheries, which provide fish protein to the local populations, are typically overcapitalized…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

The global seafood system includes three interconnected sectors: commercial capture (or wild-caught) fisheries, recreational and subsistence fisheries, and aquaculture (or farmed seafood). The three…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

AbstractThe ocean, which regulates climate and supports vital ecosystem services, is crucial to our Earth system and livelihoods. Yet, it is threatened by anthropogenic pressures and climate change. A…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Highlights Most African fisheries operate under governance systems with open access incentives. African fisheries are scoring lower than the global averages in the three sustainability pillars. The…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Highlights Capture fish stocks are important source of animal protein in developing countries. Most fisheries are overcapitalised and biological overexploited. Industrial trawlers overharvest stock…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana