Displaying 1 - 10 of 17 publications

Cooperation is essential to reap efficiency gains from specialization, not least in poor communities where economic transactions often are informal. Yet, cooperation might be more difficult to sustain…

| Discussion Paper | Tanzania

This paper determines the socioeconomic and physical characteristics that influence maize farmer’s choice of land ownership systems in Tanzania, i.e., owned, sharecropped, and rented title land. The…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

This paper examines the determinants of adoption of improved agricultural technologies among smallholder maize farmers in Tanzania. Specifically, it reports the findings of a study that employed a…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The motivation for movement struggle to end colonialism in Tanzania was to put in our own hands the development destiny of the country. The development destiny of Tanzania will be in our control…

| Books | Tanzania

The context of Tanzania is such that there is close link between achieving industrialization and achieving agricultural transformation. Increased growth in agricultural productivity, output and income…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

Smart Industrialization in Tanzania: The Process This Chapter is based on the main theme of the Book which is Fast Tracking Industrialization in Tanzania: The ‘Must – Do’ Actions. Thus it aims at…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

Industrialization entails structural transformation of a traditional economy dominated by primary activities into a modern economy where high-productivity activities in manufacturing assume an…

| Book Chapter | Tanzania

Abstract Despite the great strides by the government of Tanzania in bolstering access to electricity in rural areas under its Rural Energy Agency (REA), rural connection rates have remained low. A…

| EfD Discussion Paper | Tanzania

The adoption of improved agricultural technologies is very low in Tanzania, which has led to both low crop productivity and low production. This paper therefore analyses the factors that influence the…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

The adoption of improved agricultural technologies is very low in Tanzania, which has led to both low crop productivity and low production. This paper therefore analyses the factors that influence the…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania