Sterner's speech at ABCDE Sweden

Prof Thomas Sterner was recently invited speaker at the World Bank ABCDE conference held in Stockholm June 2010 on Green Growth and Climate Change.

Each year the World Bank organizes the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), which is one of the world’s best known series of conferences for the presentation of new knowledge on development.

First held in Washington DC in 1988, the series has become broader in scope as the world's economies have become more interconnected and challenges have grown more complex. Regional conferences reflect the increasing importance of research in developing countries.

This year the Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom is keynote speaker and Thomas Sterner, University of Gothenburg, is plenary speaker at ABCDE Sweden from May 31-June 2,2010.

Thomas Sterner's speech was on Voluntary Pledges and Green Growth in the Post Copenhagen Climate, and given at Plenary Session 1. Full text of Sterner's speech is attached.

Now the Swedish ABCDE-site is available, on the ABCDE-Sweden webpage, you can also find the “Webcast on demand” from all the Plenary Sessions and Press Conferences, ABCDE in pictures as well as external links to all the presentations and papers presented in the Plenary during the Conference.

Listen to Thomas Sterner´s speech: please go to >> See the headline "Related", press "Webcast: On-demand", scroll down and press "Environmental Commons and the Green Economy" - Thomas Sterner is introduced by the chair Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University. Sterner´s speech starts after 3:20 minutes.

News | 8 July 2010