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LSE Shifting Landscapes 2022 – Call for Abstracts

Event Information

Event type

The Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is pleased to announce its student-led conference for PhD students and early career researchers on the theme of Shifting Landscapes. The conference will take place at LSE’s vibrant campus in central London. We invite submissions from PhD students and early career researchers advancing the frontier of what it means to live in a world of shifting landscapes. Papers should broadly relate to novel approaches to geography and the environment, and can be from a related disciplinary, theoretical, or methodological perspective.

Shifting Landscapes refers to the rapid shifts societies face in moving from the 20th to 21st century: changing social issues and literal shifts in environmental and spatial landscapes demand novel, collaborative, and cross-disciplinary approaches to these emerging challenges. We share a conviction that the social sciences are central to understanding these challenges and this is reflected in the distinct interdisciplinary make-up of the department which draws predominantly on expertise from urban, planning and development studies, environmental economics and policy, and economic geography and urban economics. LSE is a distinctive academic community conducting world-leading research in the geographical and environmental social sciences. Some of the most pressing contemporary issues, such as urbanisation and the sustainability of environmental and socio-economic systems, mean that the social sciences are crucial in informing academic and policy debates.

To apply, please submit an extended abstract of 500-1000 words. A decision on the acceptance of papers will be made by the programme committee, based on expert opinions from internal referees. Authors will be notified in early March 2022. Accepted speakers will be asked to discuss the paper of another participant in their session. There will be an award for the best paper/presentation of the conference. Please indicate in the submission form, whether you would like to be considered.

We are planning to hold an in-person conference, but options for remote participation are still under consideration. In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us via lsegeog.conference@outlook.com.

To ensure a diverse set of participants, financial support to fund travel and accommodation is available based on financial need on a case by case basis. Please fill out the appropriate sections of the above form to apply for a grant. For more information, see the FAQ on our website.


Application deadline:

31 January 2022

Provisional conference date:

16-17 June 2022


Event | 17 January 2022