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Call for proposals: Field experiment at EAERE 2023 - Deadline: 31 Dec 2022

Event Information

Limassol, Cyprus


Call for Proposals

Field Experiment at EAERE2023

Deadline for proposals: 31 December 2022

Field experiments were conducted at the EAERE Annual Conferences held in 2015, 2016, and 2017. These experiments lead to interesting publications1. A field experiment was also conducted at the EAERE Annual Conference held in 2022: its result is currently under evaluation and will be announced in due time.


EAERE would like to continue taking advantage of the valuable opportunity offered by its Annual Conferences to conduct field experiments. Interested members are invited to send us to their proposals for conducting a field experiment at our next 28th EAERE Annual Conference in Cyprus (27 Jun - 30 Jun 2023). 


Proposals should include a description of the experiment and an opinion of the bioethics committee or equivalent body of the institution with which members proposing the experiment are affiliated.


Proposals will be evaluated by the EAERE Council and the EAERE 2023 Local Organising Committee.


Proposals will be accepted until 31 Dec 2022.

Feedback to applicants is expected to be given by the end of January 2023.

1  Stefano Carattini and Alessandro Tavoni (2016), "How Green are Green Economists?", Economics Bulletin, 36(4) p.A224

   Stefano Carattini, Julia Blasch (2020), "Nudging when the Descriptive Norm is Low: Evidence from a Carbon Offsetting Field Experiment", Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Working Paper 345

Plenary Speakers


Dr. Carolyn Fischer (David Pearce Lecture)

Research Manager for Sustainability and Infrastructure, Development Economics Research Group, The World Bank


Prof. Jean Pisani-Ferry
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair, European University Institute, Florence


Prof. David Zilberman 
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley

EAERE 2023 Programme Committee Co-Chairs


Simon Dietz - London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

Ruslana Rachel Palatnik - University of Haifa and Yezreel Valley College, Israel

Theodoros Zachariadis - The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus

Local Scientific Committee 


Elias Giannakis, The Cyprus Institute

Costas Hadjiyiannis, University of Cyprus

Michael S. Michael, University of Cyprus

Christos Savva, Cyprus University of Technology

Christos Zoumides, The Cyprus Institute

Local Organising Committee 


Theodoros Zachariadis, The Cyprus Institute (Chair)

Christina Distra, Top Kinisis Conferences & Events

Dimi Xepapadeas

Ulku Tasseven, The Cyprus Institute

Important Deadlines

15 November 2022

Launch of call for papers 

31 January 2023

Deadline for Policy and Thematic Sessions submissions

Deadline for papers submissions

Deadline for participation grants applications

15 March 2023

Registration opens

31 March 2023

Notification of acceptance of papers, thematic sessions and participation grants

30 April 2023

Deadline for early registration

15 May 2023

Deadline by which presenting authors must be registered for inclusion in the programme

Further Information


For general conference information, please contact the Local Organising Committee at

For questions related to submissions, please contact the Local Organising Committee at

For questions related to the scientific programme, please contact the the Programme Committee at

For questions related to registrations, please contact EAERE at:



Event | 10 November 2022