Ph.D. studentship in forest economics: Behavioral human dimensions to climate-resilient forest management

SLU is searching for a Doctoral student to join the Department of Forest Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå. Traditional land management will likely need to incorporate new practices to enhance the capacity of Swedish forests to cope with a changing climate. However, there is a current knowledge gap in the understanding of how private forest owners’ perceptions and ultimate acceptability of management practices such as continuous cover forestry to increase the multi-functionality and sustainability of forest ecosystems. 

The profile of the student we are looking for is a person who is committed to behavioral studies based on economic principles and quantitative methods. The candidate will be responsible for: integrating economics and forest resource management knowledge into relevant research design; developing relevant research questions; applying appropriate econometric and other analytical tools; writing scientific manuscripts and compiling a Ph.D. thesis. Coursework is included in the Ph.D. program.

The Ph.D. program consists of 4-year full-time studies with the position contracted based on annual evaluations. To answer questions, please contact:

Francisco X. Aguilar
Professor, Department of Forest Economics
University Fellow, Resources for the Future

More info on the website

Latest application day: August 14, 2023. 


Job opening | 2 June 2023