Displaying 11 - 19 of 19 publications

Price caps through international reference pricing are widely used worldwide but not so commonly in over-the-counter markets. We study the short-term effects of a price cap regulation for oral…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

We determine whether community pharmacies in Bogotá produce differential quality signals, and if they are related to an objective quality measure: the compliance with prescription rules. In this…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract Do people discriminate between co-ethnics and others in cooperative interactions? In an experiment in China, we find that participants in trust games send around 15% more to partners they…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract We conducted an audit experiment to examine whether street vendors in Bogotá (Colombia) exert price discrimination based on buyers’ attributes, such as gender and nationality, and based on…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Cooperation in public goods games increases in the presence of between-group competition. In this study, we validate the effect of between-group competition in a different social dilemma, a resource…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Most models of social preferences and bounded rationality that are effective in explaining efficiency-increasing departures from equilibrium behavior cannot easily account for similar deviations when…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Abstract One of the most challenging problems of society today is climate change. Faced with this problem, people must change the way they behave to mitigate the effects of climate change and adapt to…

| Other Publications | Colombia

Resumen Este capítulo da una perspectiva que mezcla la economía, la sociología y la psicología. A lo cual también encontraremos la sección 1, presentaremos los detalles del estudio; en la 2, los…

| Book Chapter | Colombia