Displaying 1 - 10 of 16 publications

Abstract Agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa faces a multitude of challenges arising from land degradation, climate change, and limited access to improved technology. In this context…

| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania

Abstract Agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa faces a multitude of challenges arising from land degradation, climate change, and limited access to improved technology. In this context…

| Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia, Tanzania

We examine the effect of the introduction of uniform water-charging for aquifer management and provide evidence using a survey-based choice experiment of agricultural water users in rural Tunisia…

| EfD Discussion Paper | South Africa

This paper analyzes the interaction between North (technology rich and gene poor) and South (gene rich but technology poor) in relation to bioprospecting in the life sciences industries. This sector…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

The paper provides and tests empirically a conditional resource curse theory, postulating that the relative effectiveness of the contenders plays a crucial role in determining whether resources are a…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

This paper deals with bioprospecting defined as the purposeful search for natural compounds undertaken by pharmaceutical or biotechnology firms to find leads necessary for the development of new drugs…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

The paper develops a dynamic discrete choice model of a self-interested and unchecked ruler making decisions regarding the development of a resource rich country. We develop a dynamic discrete choice…

| Discussion Paper | South Africa

The value of genetic resources for R&D is placed within the framework of discussions concerning sustainability. We assess the extent to which society is able to invest now in order to prepare for…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa

Cooperation regarding the use of common pool resources can be difficult to achieve. Different management regimes may channel a resource’s benefits differently among users. This can be a problem when…

| Research Brief | South Africa

To the extent that diversifying income portfolio is used as a strategy for shielding against production risk, both individual risk aversion and weather uncertainty could affect crop diversification…

| Peer Reviewed | South Africa