Muñoz Brenes, Carlos L.

Carlos is the policy specialist and research fellow of the Environment and Development initiative Center for Central America. He has a broad range of interests in international polices that foster sustainable development. Carlos has a MALD degree from the Fletcher School at Tufts University in international affairs with emphasis in international environmental and resource policy and development economics. He holds a MA in Political Science from Boston College, a BS in Ecotourism from the University of Costa Rica; and studies in Natural Resource Management. He is former Executive Director of the Monteverde Conservation League and manager of the Children’s Eternal Rainforest; the largest private nature reserve in the Costa Rica. He has been invited as a lecturer in Costa Rica, USA, and the Netherlands. He has been a consultant to The Nature Conservancy, Corcovado Foundation, the Forever Costa Rica Association and BioMarCC.


Expertise/Research area:

Institutional and financing mechanism to foster conservation and poverty alleviation (e.g. ecosystem services; ecotourism; debt for nature swaps, REDD+). Environmental and resource economics. Development economics.

Environmental issues in multilateral and bilateral negotiations (e.g. climate change and water policy; international investment and environmental laws, trade policies). International organizations, governance and institutions. Environmental diplomacy.

Curriculum vitae

People | 3 September 2010