Alpizar, Francisco

Francisco Alpízar is the Chair and Professor of the Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Group at the Department of Social Sciences at Wageningen University and Research. He is also a Senior Research Fellow of the Environment for Development Initiative. His research explores incentive-based approaches to improve private and public management and the use of natural resources. Drawing on basic concepts and methodologies from the fields of environmental, development, and behavioral economics, he studies individual decision-making in a context in which changes in private decisions are key to achieving higher social welfare (e.g. consumption decisions, use of natural resources by households and farmers). Francisco's work is focused on applied, policy-relevant research. As such his work is not only published in numerous peer-reviewed journals but has also been used in the design and evaluation of public policies. He has been an advisor to national governments in Latin America and multilateral organizations and NGOs (e.g. GEF-World Bank, the IADB, UNDP, WWF, IUCN).

People | 18 October 2007