The performance of shared fish stock fisheries under varying institutional and socioeconomic conditions: Evidence from the South Eastern Pacific Anchoveta Fishery

Peer Reviewed
1 November 2020

Marine Policy

Carlos Chávez, Jorge Dresdner, Nuria González, Mauricio Leiva, Miguel Quiroga

We apply the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs) methodology to the Southeast Pacific Anchoveta Fishery off southern Peru and northern Chile. Our basic model of analysis is a production function framework, where the performance outcomes are a result of the available inputs. We measured all FPI categories (outcomes and input metrics) and then grouped the metrics into different dimensions suitable for analysis. We obtained the value of each metric from different sources using expert evaluation and secondary information. Then we calculated aggregated measures at the country level and for the total fishery. We compared the country results and tested for mean differences. Our results suggest that there are no significant differences between the Chilean and Peruvian fisheries in terms of inputs. Moreover, no differences between the fisheries branches were found in the post-harvest stage. In the harvest stage, however, the Chilean fishery performs better than the Peruvian. From the differences and similarities found, we discuss the performance results between the Peruvian and Chilean branches of the fishery. The differences we found seems to be due to general societal factors that are beyond the control of fisheries managers. The differences in the organization of the fishery, characterized by high levels of concentration and vertical integration in the Chilean branch, could also explain the observed gap in performance.


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Sustainable Development Goals
Publication reference
Chávez, C., Dresdner, J., González, N., Leiva, M., & Quiroga, M. (2020). The performance of shared fish stock fisheries under varying institutional and socioeconomic conditions: Evidence from the South Eastern Pacific Anchoveta Fishery. Marine Policy, 104262. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104262
Publication | 30 November 2020