Political Economy of Fisheries in Developing Countries

EPRU Fellow Mare Sarr attended a policy workshop on the political economy of fisheries in developing countries organised by the World Bank Agriculture and Rural Department (April 12-13). Five in-depth…

Call for papers EAERE 2013

The 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) will be held in Toulouse, France, on June 26-29, 2013. Call for papers' deadline: February 1st…

Ida Hellmark the economics alumni of the year

Ida Hellmark, environmental economist, former project coordinator for Focali and alumni from the School of Economics at the University of Gothenburg, has been awarded the “young economics alumni award…

Sesync Funding Opportunities: Thematic Pursuits

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is a new national research center supported by the National Science Foundation through a grant to the University of Maryland. SESYNC funds…

EfD to become independent legal entity

At the recent EfD annual meeting in Costa Rica the Coordination Committee made a number of important decisions. First a five year strategic plan was decided upon. This plan includes ambitions of…

| Central America