EPRU/EFD South Africa invited Prof Peter Berk and Prof Stein Holden to the South Africa 2009 Environmental Economic Resource Economics Conference. The conference was vibrant with more than 200 participants from academia and government agencies.
Prof Peter Berck and Carlos Manuel Rodriguez former environment and energy Minister of Costa Rica
EPRU/EFD South Africa invited Prof.Peter Berk and Prof Stein Holden as keynote speakers at the Environmental and Resource Economics Conference held on 21 and 22 May 2009 in Cape Town.
Prof. Peter Berk is Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy, University of California at Berkley. His research interests are in the economics of the environment, natural resources, and agriculture.
Prof. Stein Holden is a Professor of Development and Resource Economics in the Department of Economics and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences at Ås. Prof Peter Berk opened the conference with a presentation on economic instruments for conservation whereas Prof Stein Holden opened the second day of the conference with a presentation on institution, market and economic restoration. The conference was vibrant with more than 200 participants from academia and government agencies.
Dr Edwin Muchapondwa EPRU and Kogomotso Moliswa Economic Department University Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
Stein Holden, Edwin Muchapondwa, Ephias Makaudze, Peter Berck, Martine Visser, Stephanie Giamporcaro, Kogomotso Moliswa, Jane Turpie, Kerri Brick