Aceh, Indonesia. Photo by Sandy Zebua on Unsplash.
Aceh, Indonesia. Photo by Sandy Zebua on Unsplash.

Call for proposals: SIANI Expert Groups

Event Information

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SIANI is absolutely delighted to announce the new call for applications for our Expert groups! 

The deadline for applications for all Calls for Proposals has now been extended to 1 June!

Have you got an idea about how to make our food systems more sustainable, rights-based and inclusive? Do you have people in mind who would make a good team for realising your idea? Yes?! Apply for funding as a SIANI Expert group and get ready to put your thoughts to practice!

SIANI Expert Groups are cross-sector working groups established around SIANI’s vision and mission:

  • SIANI’s overall vision is a future where Food systems are more sustainable, rights-based and inclusive of smallholder farmers and marginalised groups.”
  • SIANI’s mission is to support and promote multisector dialogue and action around sustainable food systems, in Sweden and globally.

Expert groups involve participants from diverse sectors and disciplines whose purpose is to support dialogues that capture, develop, consolidate and communicate knowledge, proven practices and innovations on emerging issues contributing to sustainable, inclusive and rights-based food systems in low-income contexts.

Expert groups make a large contribution to the SIANI platform – moving towards food systems transformation.

More information can be found in the Terms of References.

Informations en français.

Información en español.


NEW deadline: 1 june 2023, 23:59 CET.





Event | 16 May 2023