Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 publications

We investigate the relationship between the historical dispossession of peasants’ lands by landlords that led to the rise of peasant grievances and the origin of the rural guerrilla movement –…

4 October 2023 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Climate change will have significant long-term impacts on people, ecosystems, and the global economy. To avoid catastrophic impacts, the world must mobilize finance at scale to deliver rapid and…

23 September 2023 | Report |

Addressing gender dimensions of the low carbon transition is core to ensuring a gendered transformative change that is more equitable. Gender equity is thus part of a larger initiative to identify the…

19 April 2023 | Report |

Abstract This paper shows that franchise extension is not enough for commitment to redistribution and that in the absence of de facto empowerment, the threat of revolution is intact. In particular…

13 December 2022 | Discussion Paper | Colombia

Abstract In this paper, we study the effect of displacement of population into cities on urban conflict in developing countries. To do so, we construct a novel measure of exposure to floods, using…

29 June 2021 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

What are the most significant achievements and challenges women have faced over the last 20 years? This chapter aims to provide a more in-depth explanation of women's pathway to empowerment in seven…

24 March 2023 | Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Abstract Collective action allows individuals to overcome market and state failures, something particularly relevant in rural areas and highly imperfect markets such as agricultural credit. We analyze…

17 March 2021 | Discussion Paper | Colombia

Resumen. Las brechas estructurales y los estereotipos de género muestran y acrecientan la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres en Colombia. Su situación, tras el choque por la pandemia de Covid-19, es hoy…

23 August 2022 | Other Publications | Colombia

Abstract Spanish Abstract: ¿Cuáles son los logros y retos que las mujeres han enfrentado durante los últimos 20 años? Este capítulo buscar dar una explicación más detallada de los caminos para el…

29 June 2021 | Discussion Paper | Colombia