Displaying 31 - 40 of 43 publications

Dependency of urban Ethiopian households on rural areas for about 85 percent of their fuel needs is a significant cause of deforestation and forest degradation, resulting in growing fuel scarcity and…

25 August 2011 | Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Africa has considerable reserves of fossil fuels of all kinds: oil, coal and natural gas. Much of this resource is either utilised outside of Africa or some of the resource is not developed at all for…

8 January 2012 | Discussion Paper | Ethiopia

The study attempts to investigate the link between food security and nonfarm employment using the survey data collected from 151 randomly selected households from six villages of Woreda Gantafeshum…

20 December 2011 | Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

This paper analyses the economic impacts of climate change on Ethiopia’s agriculture using a countrywide computable general equilibrium model. The impacts on agriculture are based on results from a…

14 October 2011 | EfD Discussion Paper | Sweden, Ethiopia

Land is an essential factor of production. Institutions that govern its efficient use determine the sustainability of this essential resource. In Ethiopia all land is publicly owned. Such an…

4 August 2011 | Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Trees play multiple roles for rural households, providing significant economic and ecological benefits. With trees, households can sell wood for fuel and construction materials, for example, or non…

21 September 2012 | Research Brief | Ethiopia, Global Hub

This paper investigates the opportunities for reducing the pressure of urban centers on rural forest areas, using a dataset of 350 urban households in Tigrai in northern Ethiopia. We applied an almost…

24 November 2011 | Peer Reviewed | Ethiopia

Devoting time to off-farm activities, while complementing agricultural incomes, may be constrained by labor availability and financial capacity. This paper assesses the importance of rainfall patterns…

21 October 2010 | EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

Dependency of urban Ethiopian households on rural areas for about 85 percent of their fuel needs is a significant cause of deforestation and forest degradation, resulting in growing fuel scarcity and…

21 October 2010 | EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia, Global Hub

This paper investigates the opportunities for reducing the pressure of urban centers on rural forest areas, using a dataset of 350 urban households in Tigrai in northern Ethiopia. We applied an almost…

21 August 2010 | EfD Discussion Paper | Ethiopia