Erik O Sterner, Erik

Erik Sterner is devoted to improving the pedagogics and communication of climate change and sustainable development. He is working as a researcher, pedagogical developer, communicator and teacher in these areas. Previously he was comparing different climate forcers (gases and particles) using simple climate models (2011-2015), but after his licentiate thesis, his strong interest in pedagogics and communication made him direct his research focus into the area of climate change pedagogics. Questions such as "What ways are there to reason about the build up of CO2 in the atmosphere?", "Why do we reason this way?" and "How can we improve learning about this?" are central questions for his research. Additionally Erik is engaged in student centered education and public communication of science that aims to create fun and engaging learning experiences. As an example, he is one of the creators of the climate change educational games Climate Call, which has been printed in close to 40 000 copies and is being used widely in schools and universities. He is also initiating research into the development of a Glocal (i.e. global and local) master program called Collaborative Climate Change and Sustainable Development that he is leading the work on together with Edwin Muchapondwa and other colleagues in the EfD network.

Curriculum vitae

People | 7 May 2020