Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 publications

Este reporte presenta una reseña del panorama ambiental de Costa Rica. En él se detallan los principales desafíos del país para lograr un crecimiento inclusivo, resiliente y sostenible, incluyendo el…

23 October 2018 | Report | Central America

En marzo del 2016, se entregó un reporte al PNUD denominado “Viabilidad de un TSA para el sector piñero costarricense”. Este reporte buscaba testear el supuesto de que si la producción piñera se hace…

13 August 2018 | Report | Central America

Costa Rica is considering expanding their marine protected areas (MPAs) to conserve marine resources. Due to the importance of households’ responses to an MPA in defining the MPA’s ecological and…

24 August 2017 | Peer Reviewed | Central America

The Economics and Environment for Development Program (EEfD) carry out a review of policy relevant documents and countries initiatives on environment and development topics in Central America. The…

11 December 2017 | Policy Brief | Central America

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity, and we are only starting to address it. Climate change scenarios indicate that poor people in developing countries will be particularly…

13 January 2017 | Books | Central America, Global Hub

This report provides findings based on the Costa Rican experiences that are beneficial for countries around the world implementing Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes. In this report, it is…

13 January 2017 | Report | Central America