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Displaying 51 - 60 of 178 publications

Abstract: This paper demonstrates that unintended effects of climate policies (Green Paradox effects) also arise in general equilibrium when countries compete for mobile factors of production (capital…

1 July 2016 | Discussion Paper | Sweden

Abstract: In this paper, we acknowledge that the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change have differential fiscal impacts. Whereas mitigation typically raises fiscal revenues, adaptation is…

28 June 2016 | Discussion Paper | Sweden

A new methodology, Tracking Underreported Financial Flows (TUFF), leverages open-source information on development finance by non-transparent, non-Western donors. If such open-source methods prove to…

25 April 2016 | Discussion Paper | South Africa

What happens if a mechanism that aims at improving coordination between individuals treats selected individuals unfairly? We investigate in a laboratory experiment whether procedural fairness concerns…

21 January 2016 | Discussion Paper, EfD Discussion Paper |

We explore the effects of different enforcement mechanisms, including formal (external), informal (local), and both together, on individual compliance behavior under a system of territorial use rights…

9 October 2015 | Discussion Paper, EfD Discussion Paper | Chile

In 2008 the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided on more stringent requirements from 2015 for airborne emissions of sulphur dioxide from sea transports in the sulphur emission control…

12 December 2023 | Discussion Paper | Global Hub

Hotter years are associated with lower economic output in country-level data. We show that the effect of temperature on labor is an important part of the explanation. Using high-frequency micro data…

1 May 2020 | Discussion Paper | India

This study examines the role of gender of the head of household on the food security of small-scale subsistence farmers in urban and rural areas of South Africa, using the exogenous switching…

16 July 2015 | Discussion Paper | South Africa

Little is known about the cost of environmental regulations such as residential zoning restrictions and recycling mandates that target households instead of firms, partly because of significant…

29 May 2015 | Discussion Paper, EfD Discussion Paper | Central America

The development of climate policy in the United States mirrors international developments, with efforts to initiate a coordinated approach giving way to jurisdictions separately taking actions. The…

25 March 2015 | Discussion Paper |