Government performance, geophysical-related disasters, and institutional trust: A comparison of Chilean and Haitian responses after an earthquake

Peer Reviewed
31 May 2022

Gustavo A. Cisterna, Andrés A. Acuña-Duarte, César A. Salazar

This article investigates the effect of government performance assessment after the 2010 earthquakes in Chile and Haiti on institutional trust. Available data from the 2010/2012 AmericasBarometer survey are used to estimate the immediate effects and those linked to the rebuilding process. Results show that performance assessment of Chilean institutions’ ability to manage the earthquake positively affected institutional trust, whereas the above relationship only holds for Haitian municipalities and the National Police. The evidence reveals the relevance of strengthening the crisis-handling skills displayed by local and national governments to avoid erosion in institutional social capital, a key aspect for development.

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Publication reference
Cisterna, G. A., Acuña-Duarte, A. A., & Salazar, C. A. (2022). Government performance, geophysical-related disasters, and institutional trust: A comparison of Chilean and Haitian responses after an earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 75, 102950.
Publication | 4 November 2022